Lose up to two dress or pant sizes in just 6 weeks.
Bootcamp With Jess has won Best-in-State 7 years going because our program works. This exclusive weight loss and body toning program gives you your life back! It makes you look and feel amazing and confident again. You don’t have to exercise for hours or run 13.1 miles per day to achieve a highly toned and muscular, healthy body both inside and out.
Bootcamp with Jess has incorporated military-style training into an affordable, challenging program that has proven results to get you leaner, firmer, faster for any body type, shape or fitness level.
"Everything you hate about the gym is
completely eliminated here at Bootcamp with Jess!" - Tom Brand
We lead the campaign to positively change your body, mind, and soul by providing military-style training. Our instructors and trainees attain the courage, knowledge, and weapons to fight the battle for good health.
REIGNITE Your Metabolism.
Create an All-Natural SURGE of Fat Burning and Youth Hormones.
The answer is easy. Since 1888, militaries around the world have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on experiments to learn that intensity is the more important factor than endurance with regards to cardiovascular fitness. Dr. Bill Orban, who designed the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) military fitness program, discovered that longer treadmill sessions did not improve his son’s oxygen uptake, and noted that even elite Olympic runner Jesse Owens did not improve his aerobic fitness level through extended workouts.
After this groundbreaking research, the military designed programs to build strength and fitness through a variety of intense group intervals that is extremely powerful and yet very simple. It produces extraordinary results with absolutely no drugs or need for weight loss surgery whatsoever. Although Orban believed that eleven minutes of exercise was efficient, more recent research conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM, 2006) suggests that 20 minutes (vigorous intensity) or 30 minutes (moderate-intensity) is optimal. But the best part about the weight loss and body toning program is that IT WORKS.
Give us 6-weeks and we will change your life!
Lose up to 2 dress sizes in just 6 weeks!
6751 South 900 East
Midvale, UT 84047
0500 - 1000 (5:00 am to 9:00 am)
1630 - 1930 (4:30 pm to 7:30 pm)
Check us out before you enlist! Come prepared for a workout with a small towel, 32oz H2O, and comfortable workout clothing. Here you can meet the trainer, check out the facility, and go through an actual workout to try us out before you enlist.